• Tue. Apr 30th, 2024

Sex in Period Is Safe Or Not?


May 14, 2022

Sex in period is very common these days. This can be attributed to the fact that there are a number of things that we can do during our period. Some of these are having fun with friends, engaging in a threesome, or even just making love. But the question remains whether sex in a period is safe or not. This article shall try to shed some light on this matter and shall also reveal some facts about it.

Sex in this period is a very natural phenomenon and there is nothing to be worried about. There are no complications or anything like that associated with it. Sex is actually recommended during menstruation and after so many other forms of pregnancy, so there is nothing wrong with it. However, there are also other forms of safe sex that one can indulge in which shall be shared later in this article.

The sex period can also be encouraged through certain activities that can be performed during this time. Such activities include a light touch of the breasts while a woman is ovulating, breast massage (for men), or fondling of a vagina while she is already on her period. There are other activities as well, which may be introduced to you as the program evolves, so long as they are within the realms of safe sex. These will ensure that your sexual activity is not only pleasurable but also pleasurable, and safe sex during your period is very attainable.

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